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You can access our Sunday services at 10:30 from the home page of this website, from our Facebook page, or by going to our YouTube Channel by clicking here.

Find Us and You Shall Seek

may 5th

Beltane: The Joy of May Day

Pam Folts

Beltane is the holiday that celebrates the time of year when the God and Goddess are equal in power, and the masculine and feminine energies are united. The holiday celebrates their union through traditions such as fertility rites, fire festivals, and dancing around the maypole. It is usually celebrated on May 5, but for the last 15 years or so, my family, friends, and I have chosen to celebrate it on the first Saturday of May. We call it our MayDay Celebration. Join us for this service about the joys Beltane brings.

Thanksgiving or Die!

may 12th

Mother’s Day, Medieval Women Mystics, and You!

Co-minister, Jerry Kerr

What do the never-a-mother medieval women mystics have in common with the average mother? With the exception of never dealing with dirty diapers and projectile spitting-up… lots of things, mainly their visions of God… which have plenty of girl-power!

And now, a thousand years later, we know that some of the medieval guy-monks were feminine mystics too.

If you think there are no fresh ways to celebrate Mother’s Day, please come see us at 10:30.

Thanksgiving or Die!

may 19th

Bird Brain

Co-minister, Lynn Kerr

They are wild. Here, then gone, yet always near us. Those fluttering, flittering…soaring birds. We love them, and our attraction to them goes far back in time, and far down into our minds.

Join us this week as we explore why they fascinate us and what they teach us. The term “bird brain,” will soon have a new meaning for you! 

Thanksgiving or Die!

may 26th



This section will be added when information is available. Stay tuned!