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Typical Services

Our Sundays are as diverse as we are.

Minister-Led Services

Minister-Led Services

This year our theme is ‘Movers, Shakers, and Dreamers’. Throughout the year our congregation will learn about various Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists that have helped shape our faith tradition and the ones that are helping shape it today.

Lay Services

Lay Services

Several services during the year are provided by members of the church or groups within the church, such as the youth or the Pagan Affinity Group. These services cover a range of topics and interests. Those interested in providing a service may speak with the Worship Committee for more information.

Guest Speakers

Guest Speakers

In addition to lay and minister-led services, guest speakers are invited to share with us their experiences and knowledge. If you have heard someone speak and think our congregation would enjoy their message, please suggest your ideas to the Worship Committee!

Multi-Generational Services

Multi-Generational Services

Once a month our children and youth join the adults for all-ages worship in the sanctuary. Multigenerational worship and celebrations help all of our community members connect and remind us that worship and learning happen at all ages! Children and youth help play a role in leading these services, from chalice lighting to offering readings and stories.