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Children and Youth

Sunday Morning Religious Education

Religious Exploration

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Flint would like to welcome you to this brief introduction of our Religious Exploration program. You might first notice that we call it Exploration instead of Education. This is a very intentional difference for us. We encourage our students to truly EXPLORE religion through many systems of learning. We imagine you have chosen to come to this church because you want a different religious experience for your family than just an indoctrination of one faith.

Our RE program explores the values of reason, morals, intrinsic values, and ethics, through the scope of a wide lens of experiences.

Theme for 2019/20

Sunday Mornings

We do not currently offer Nursery Care.   Children of all ages are always welcome in the sanctuary during the service.  However, there is an area attached to the sanctuary providing additional room and privacy for you and your small children while still allowing you to enjoy the service.

Multigenerational Worship

Multigenerational Worship

The weeks our students are not in class, they participate in worship with their classmates and family. We have found that the best was to learn our liturgy is to experience it with the whole congregation. Many of these services are designed with our young people in mind. 


Each year our congregation puts on a special winter holiday service on a Sunday and on Christmas Eve.  Young people of all ages are invited to participate in these services.

Sundays Without Classes

On some Sundays, there may not be a class for K-8 children.  In such cases, children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary and use the activity backpacks that can be found on a white hat rack at the rear of the sanctuary.  These backpacks have quiet, fun activities for various ages with different themes for approximately grades K-6 to enjoy during the worship service.