Watch Worship Services
Love In The Time Of COVID
In times of great national and global upheavals, we yearn for hopeful messages that tell us we are all going to be ok. Yet, too often, we focus on the negative and feel stuck, paralyzed, and without hope, and let’s face it, there is a lot of negative to focus on these...
Shifting Sand, Shifting Time, Shifting Land, Shifting Rhyme
Be part of this joint service with Cross Street Unitarian Chapel of Manchester UK
Where Is The Holy These Days?
How can we connect in times of uncertainty with our sources of hope and our understanding of the Divine? Let us gather in community to reflect together on the sorrows and fears we are holding and also be reminded of the myriad of ways our lives are touched by hope,...
My Father Is, My Father Was
Does a guy need to be perfect, or at least nearly perfect to be a good father? Hallmark wouldn’t sell many cards if they did. Nevertheless, Father’s Day celebrations beg all of us to romanticize our fathers, and that makes fathers anxious about their rating on the...
If I Were The Devil
In 1965, Paul Harvey recorded a message about America’s path of moral degradation. He called it, “If I were the Devil” and detailed the steps the devil needed to take to ensure our demise. Do some people believe his prophesy has finally become true?
I Can’t Breathe
The last words of George Floyd were, “I can’t breathe,” as police officers pinned his neck down after wrestling him to the ground. As our country reacts to this tragedy, one wonders if we are on the brink of major social change. Or have our expectations been crushed...
Bring My Authentic Self?
Melissa will talk about authenticity. What is authenticity? What does it mean to bring authenticity into the community? How does spiritual growth and transformation affect community perception of authenticity? Melissa is a Certified Lay Minister, serving First...
An Online Vigil For George Floyd and a Protest Against Racism
Join The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Flint as we honor George Floyd who was murdered by The Minneapolis Police. Our service will mourn his loss and protest the racism thatremains a part of our country.
Mourning Without Glory
Memorial Day celebrations often glorify war, more than they honor and mourn the soldiers killed in battle. On Memorial Day, many of us want to commemorate our war dead, and also proclaim that their precious lives were often spent on unnecessary, even illegal wars. Our...