Watch Worship Services
The Flint Christmas Story
Nobody really knows anything about the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. In fact, it might have been pretty ordinary. They may have been just another poor family having a baby after a long journey. What if this story happened today, in our city? Join Mary and Joe as they...
Christmas Revels
Join musicians and storytellers from near and far for holiday entertainment! Enjoy song, story, and revelry from members of the congregation and some special guests.
Scrooge the Undead
Ebenezer Scrooge defeated his dark side at the end of Dicken’s Christmas Carol, but his evil clones live on! Such greed may seem eternal, but a properly celebrated Christmas can help us defeat the attack of the modern-day Scrooge. Join us for your dose of the true...
First Comes the Waiting
The first Sunday of Advent is November 28, and for Christians it is a season of waiting for the birth of Jesus. We will light Advent candles this year in our sanctuary and remember all the things we hope and wait for; "peace, liberty and justice for all," as...
The Yahweh Anonymous Club: It’s in the Bible – Part 2
Don’t you wish the History Channel on TV would do an unvarnished, truth-telling documentary about the Bible? No chance of that! But if they did, the teaser promo would say…(in that ominous tone they use): “Did you know that the books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes...
Food For Thought
As Thanksgiving Day approaches, many Unitarian Universalists struggle each year to reimagine the holiday using a Native American lens. We’ll look at the surprising Unitarian influences that helped make Thanksgiving a holiday. Yes, we can observe this complicated day...
We Have Met The Enemy
The future seems much more threatening and seemingly devoid of hope than in the world I knew. But why? Perhaps a trip back to the Okefenokee Swamp to visit a childhood possum friend might help me find the answer.
Naked Prophets Needed
Just when you think you have escaped to safety, it confronts you in a dark alley…The Bible! You may love it, or hate it, but we all have to wrestle with this heavyweight book. This is the first of four services on the Bible, giving you either verbal karate for winning...
The last days of October and first days of November are filled with significant festivals and holidays for cultures around the world. Many of us look forward to seeing the gruesome depictions of the dead, ghoulish monsters, and fiendish jack-o-lanterns, but it makes...