Watch Worship Services
For those who feed the flame
Hounded by the masses but heralded by their fellows, the progressive thinkers of every age could not be stopped. The time was right for their ideas to burn brightly, and they had plenty of help keeping the fire going! Servetus, Murray, Channing, Fuller, Stone; they spoke for people who hungered for their wisdom and who gladly carried the wood and shoveled the coal to feed the flames of their heroes’ creative visions. Our service will honor not just the eloquent heroes of progress, but also the people who stood beside them and said, “We’re with them!”unday Service of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Flint
Please use side door to enter the holy
The holy? Some people believe in it, others say there is no such thing. Most religions claim they have it and want you to buy their brand. People talk about holy ground, holy water, holy days, holy men, and have holy wars to prove they own it. Many UUs understandably don’t care for the word. This service is about our idea of the holy, and our symbol that proclaims it…the flaming chalice.Sunday Service of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Flint
Prayer is not a four letter word
One of my relatives often says to me at the end of a phone call, “I’ll pray for you. You can do whatever it is you do.” Should we assume that no one in UU land is praying? Believe it or not, prayer is not an abomination to Unitarian Universalists. If we are to grow...
Repairing the damage done
Mary Mueller’s opening words: “What is done cannot be undone. What is done next must now be done with care. We gather because we are hopeful, because we have dreams and visions of a brighter future …Mueller will address the possibility of a truth commission as a next step in addressing America’s original sin. “Truth-telling is a vital first step on a path toward racial healing,” she said in a February 2021 message. Mueller is a member of the Northwest Unitarian Universalist Church (Southfield, MI), a member of the Membership and Pastoral Care Committees. She is a retired social worker who specialized in traumatic experiences. Harold Ford will serve as worship associate and will lead discussion during the post-service coffee hour. He will encourage consideration of a truth commission and reparations. He will challenge participants to consider why UUCF is such a monochromatic congregation though, for 90+ years, we’ve professed to be a welcoming congregation that values diversity.
I love you Mom, but…
Your mother gave you your body, no doubt about that. She deserves your thanks on Mother’s Day for that…assuming you prefer being, over non-being! But did she accidently screw-up your mind as many psychologists love to suggest? Fear not, few of us had an ideal mother and the healing, all-loving mother our moms tried to embody is still within us. On this Mother’s Day we celebrate mothers, and our amazing world made possible by a mother’s love, no matter how imperfect.
The Gun God
Many Americans worship the Gun God. They deny it of course, but yet popular songs proclaim “God and Guns Keep us Strong,” as though their God condones the deaths of the 106 Americans who are shot and killed…every day. Those who want to stop the carnage with commonsense gun laws, will first have to understand what gun worshippers get from their beliefs. Surrounded by the gun culture for much of his life, Co-minister, Jerry Kerr will offer stories of Gun God worship that may help us in our quest to topple a false, and frightening god.
Garbage In, Garbage Out
Over a decade ago, the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, said humans would have to “go multiplanetary, or go extinct.” I was disappointed that a person of such great wealth would choose to escape Earth, rather than trying to save it. On this 51st observance of Earth Day, we must ask why humans still haven’t learned the simple, vital wisdom of caring for their mother…the Earth.
In All They Getting Get Understanding
What do we hope to get from being part of a congregation? So many things, perhaps - but underneath the consumer’s idea of acquisition is the pull to a deeper encounter with the experience, hope, heartbreak and yearning of others in community. Can we be a place of deep...
Bless This Food
As Unitarian Universalists, we are guided by our covenants as we strive to be in right relationship with one another and the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part. As we do the hard work of ethical decision-making and living into our covenants each and every day, how can we leave room for curiosity, reverence, and wonder?
This weeks service includes a message for all ages. From grandchildren to grandparents. Our speaker is Amy Peterson Derrick who is a life-long UU, she has been a religious educator for 17 years, 10 of which were at UUCF . She is a mom, nature-lover, and half-hearted vegetarian living in Saint Paul with her family and mischievous dog. She currently serves as director of religion education at White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church in Mahtomedi, Minnesota , where the winters are cold, but the summers are perfect