Watch Worship Services
Pandemics, Mystics and Change
Let’s consider what we have learned about the 2020 pandemic. Though many of us have never been through a pandemic before this year. It is not the first time that the world has gone through a pandemic. What are some themes you directly experienced of transcending Mystery and Wonder during the pandemic of 2020? These mystical themes tend to arise in such times as we have been through and changes in our society occur sometimes as well. Melissa will compare lessons from the pandemic of the 14th century with the twenty-first century. In addition, she will highlight, the mystic Julian of Norwich compared to UU Mystics.
UU’s Assemble!
We humans love to call meetings to talk over our problems, large or small. UUs have an especially profound case of this “need to meet.” Our meetings can be long, and at times boring, but our ability to suffer through them has changed the course of history. Lynn and Jerry will celebrate a few of the famous UU meetings that brought freedom and justice to a world that needed them badly. Our congregational meeting follows this service because… we need to meet! Please be with us.
Racism: The Disease and it’s Cure
The Perfect Age
People often fuss about their chronological age and even stop celebrating their birthdays at a certain point. Although it seems like an outworn cliche’, aging should lead us into golden years, not make us feel rusty. We’ll discuss how feeling young and vibrant is as easy as being confident that the perfect age, is the one you are right now.
A Musical Start to a Better Year
Katie sings traditional and contemporary folk, country-folk, and folk-pop tunes. A deft interpreter of beloved songs, her captivating voice and velvety-smooth delivery bring new life to the compositions of writers such as John Prine, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Michael Nesmith and Lennon and McCartney. When not doing her own gigs, Katie has been known to “moonlight” singing harmony for folk-rock legend Melanie and local favorite Matt Watroba. Katie is also part of the up-and-coming female vocal trio All About Eve. Katie has performed in Flint at Flint Folk Music Society
A Holy Christmas Eve: UU Style
Anyone who thinks liberal religious people don’t like Christmas, doesn’t know much about them. Our service includes the heart-warming sights and sounds of the winter holidays, and special reverence for the Prince of Peace; Jesus of Nazareth. Holiday pictures from our congregation will help us manage this COVID Christmas.
The Immaculate Conception of Santa Clause
Abraham Lincoln said, “We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” With ever growing...
Do You Hear What I Hear?
In October of 1962, the United States was literally on the verge of nuclear war. Noel Regney, who had survived the horrors of World War II, sat down and wrote a song that was a passionate, plea for peace; “Do You Hear What I Hear.” Noel was raised a Catholic, became a UU later in life, and his story makes us wonder: How have our lives prepared us to hear and express, our own cry for peace? We will all hear many old Christmas songs this year, but our service will make this one new to our ears.
What Will You Give?
Rev. Rebecca Parker wrote, “Your gifts—whatever you discover them to be—can be used to bless or curse the world. What will you do with your gifts?” In this season of giving, we will examine what gifts are most sacred to us that we are willing to give away.