Watch Worship Services
Your World Tomorrow
Even when the outcome of World War II was in doubt, Allied leaders met to discuss a post-war world to ensure that a horror like that war would never again occur on this planet. Today, here in the U.S. and around the world, people are calling for the end of the world...
Thanksgiving Covid Style
Yes, this is another typical Thanksgiving day service saying the obvious…”be thankful even in hard times,” Yes, it can be hard to cultivate a thankful way of being right now in COVID country. Yes, it is easy to forget the wisdom and power of being thankful, and right...
101 Ways to Get Saved
Many people know there is no hell to be saved from. That ancient and destructive, human-created idea of eternal punishment is slowly dying. But most of us do want salvation; from the fear of death itself. Preparing people for the inevitability of death is a vital part...
Elated or Deflated?
If you lost, you’ll persevere. If you won, another battle is around the corner.
Our Founding (Liberal) Mothers and Fathers
No matter what your political persuasion may be, you want to claim that America’s founding fathers were just like you! However, we have plenty of evidence proving our founding fathers and mothers were a bunch of very liberal people. Our pre-election day service...
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet! More Powerful Than a Locomotive! GA 2020
This hyperbole from the old (very old!) “Superman” television show is perhaps a little “over the top” in describing a “super” successful all-virtual annual meeting of the General Assembly (GA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in June of 2020. This...
It Happened in America
You probably heard someone say it, or maybe you said it yourself: “How could this happen in America?” It may provide little comfort, but America has had immoral leaders in the past, and our nation was apparently ripe to elect another one. A journey backward into our...
Better Angels
Abraham Lincoln said, “We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” With ever growing...
The Need to Vote
What can you do to ensure that people who are under-represented vote this November? Our speaker will not speak about who to vote for but why it is so important to vote.