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Native Wisdoms for a Nation in Need

Native Wisdoms for a Nation in Need

People often say they admire Native Americans, while simultaneously ignoring the values and practices that made native cultures great.  Yes, people like the often-romanticized, earth-centered spirituality of native cultures, but the non-hierarchical leadership style...

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Thinking Inside the Box

Thinking Inside the Box

Our proud faith tradition connects the values of democracy, personal growth, and social justice to a recognition of the interdependent web of all existence. And now, sharing that message seems more important than ever, but it’s a complicated message to share. Even our...

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90 Years:  A Progressive Light

90 Years: A Progressive Light

On Saturday, September 12, we will gather on the lawn at the church for a “bring your own lunch, chairs, and masks” social distancing picnic. Our Sunday service celebrates the 90 years of our liberal religious presence in Flint.  Joan Smalley, a member for 57 years,...

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Definitely Hopeful Music and Poetry

Definitely Hopeful Music and Poetry

Join us for a definitely hopeful service with Mustard’s Retreat and poetry with Shawna and Dani Bell, Sheila Smith, and Erin Rockafellow as we refuse to give in to negativity and take a pragmatically optimistic look at our future! With a career spanning more than 30...

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About Hope

About Hope

In the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic, there is much uncertainty about what the future will look like and what the future will hold. Matt Pargeter-Villarreal offers a message of how we can find hope, inspired by the life and the words of Julian of Norwich and...

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Scientists, Journalists, Truthtellers…Heroes

Scientists, Journalists, Truthtellers…Heroes

There are many ways to be a hero, but soldiers in their splendid uniforms, or cops shooting at bad guys, seem to get all the attention. People who devote their lives to science or journalism, or who blow the whistle on some villain no matter what the risk to their own...

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100 Years Hence:  Celebrating Women’s Right to Vote

100 Years Hence: Celebrating Women’s Right to Vote

One hundred sixty years ago, a Universalist woman and social reformer, Frances Dana Barker Gage wrote a poem entitled, “A Hundred Years Hence.”  In it, she shared her hopes for the future, including women’s standing in the world.  She wrote,   Then woman, man’s...

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How To Make A UU In 7 Days Or Less

How To Make A UU In 7 Days Or Less

We joke a lot about what it means to be a UU. Have you heard the one: "What do you get when you cross a UU with a Jehovah's Witness?" The answer: "Someone who knocks on your door for no apparent reason." Lynn will argue that we really do have something to say to...

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