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Upcoming Services

You can access our Sunday services at 10:30 from the home page of this website, from our Facebook page, or by going to our YouTube Channel by clicking here.

Thanksgiving or Die!

January 5th

No Justice, No Peace!

Todd Womack

Peacemakers are not passive; they confront systemic injustices, mediate conflicts, and advocate for equity and reconciliation.

Come and hear Brother Todd from The Underground share a message that challenges us to align our actions with a divine commitment to justice and peace.

Musicians: Roshanda Womack & Tommy Issac

Thanksgiving or Die!

january 12th

Building Bridges: A Morning with Sheriff Chris Swanson

Sheriff Chris Swanson

Sheriff Swanson, known for his leadership and dedication to community engagement, will speak on themes of unity, collaboration, and fostering stronger communities.

This special event will include a keynote address by Sheriff Swanson, a brief Q&A session, and a coffee hour to connect with him and fellow attendees.

Don’t miss this inspiring morning of conversation and connection.


Thanksgiving or Die!

January 19th

The Way of MLK

Co-minister, Jerry Kerr

When a world-changing hero dies, people immediately want to inherit their ideas, quote them, and use them for their own purposes.

But we often-fallible human beings frequently get the saviors’ message wrong! That’s what happened to Jesus of Nazareth, and now it is happening to Martin Luther King Jr.

On this celebration of MLK day, let us consider the distinctive, powerful way he brought civil rights to Black Americans, and pray we can own it again.

The need for his wisdom has not diminished.


Thanksgiving or Die!

January 26th

“Classic”…Not Old

Co-minister, Lynn Kerr

Vintage items are making a comeback, and that includes humans!

For centuries, people have been told to fear getting old, but aging today looks and feels a lot different than it ever has.

This Sunday we will honor the age and sage in all of us and learn to love the new challenges before us!

Thanksgiving or Die!

February 2nd

The Lesson of Alexei Navalny

Co-minister, Jerry Kerr

Putin tried to kill him with poison, but Alexei Navalny recovered and dared to return to Russia, to fight the corrupt government.

He was immediately imprisoned and became known as the “happy prisoner.” Navalny died after 3 years of cruel treatment, but not before he earned the love and admiration of millions of people.

His life is a lesson for anyone who believes we must all fight for justice, even in the face of enormous odds.

Join us as we seek to understand his amazing faith and courage.

Thanksgiving or Die!

February 9th

Love is…Complicated

Co-minister, Lynn Kerr

From passion for lovers, to compassion for our fellow human beings, people experience love of many kinds in a lifetime.

Join us Sunday for stories about lives of love and plenty of “love” ballads to remind us all that love is pretty complicated, but not impossible.

Thanksgiving or Die!

February 16th

An Individualist and a Collectivist Walk into a Bar and…

Co-minister, Jerry Kerr

“Who’s side are you on anyway?!” Sound familiar?

Humans love to take sides, even when we don’t need to! The latest argument is about which is better: individualism (I Did it My Way!), or collectivism (The Greater Good!). This unnecessary battle produces plenty of heat, and humor too.

Join us as we try to defuse America’s latest false conundrum and laugh at our human race at the same time.

Please note: We hope you attend this group meeting, even if you do it just for yourself!

Thanksgiving or Die!

February 23rd

To Be Added


This section will be updated once the information is available. Stay Tuned!